FSC Call for Workshops and Presenters

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: June 13, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Canada’s food movement will gather in Edmonton on November 1-4, 2012 for Food Secure Canada‘s 7th Biennial Assembly, a feast of food and ideas. Held in collaboration with Growing Food Security in Alberta, the theme for this year’s event – Powering Up: Food for the Future – reflects the need to place questions of energy, climate and long-term sustainability at the centre of how we think about, produce, and eat our food.  It also reflects the growing strength of the food movement and its commitment to creative solutions to the problems of hunger, sustainable livelihoods in the food business, and the protection of our health and the environment.

This year we will be looking for workshops, training sessions, panellists, speakers and more to address the following themes (you can submit proposals on other themes as well):

  1. Food Justice – How can we build a diverse and inclusive food movement that respects everyone’s rights?
  2. Energy and Power – Where do we, and where should we, derive our power from?  Both as a movement and within the food system?
  3. Resilience – How are you building resilience in food systems?  What makes our organizations resilient over the long-term?

For more information and to submit your proposal, click here. Deadline: July 8, 2012.

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