Recording of Healthy Food, Healthy Living: Strengthening Local Food Solutions in Healthcare Now Available!

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: May 16, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

On May 15th, Food Forward and Sustain Ontario brought together Health Care innovators to share the successes and challenges they’ve experienced in introducing local foods to patient menus and experiences.


Healthy Food, Healthy Living: Strengthening Local Food Connectons in Healthcare from Sustain Ontario on Vimeo.

Note: Audio levels improve after about 10 minutes of the video.  Read more to see the presenters’ powerpoint slides.

Thanks to the help of Powerline Films, we have a recording of the Healthy Food, Healthy Living event that was held last night at Toronto City Hall.  Thanks to Linda Swanston, Darcy Higgins and their keen volunteers from Food Forward, Hayley Lapalme from My Sustainable Canada and the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, Alex MacEachern and our panelists Heather Fletcher, Food Services Manager at St. Michael’s Hospital,  Franco Naccarato, the Program Manager for the Broader Public Sector Investment Fund and Elena Hall, Green Team Member/Seed to Feed Organizer for the University Health Network, at Princess Margaret Hospital for making the event a memorable one.
Sustain Ontario, as part of the Farm to Cafeteria Canada network,  prepared a webinar for partners across Canada but due to a last minute audio failure had to cancel the webinar.  We’ve provided you with a video recording of the presentations and their powerpoint files in the order of presenters.

Here’s a little video of the Seed to Feed project:

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