UN Right to Food Mission Coming to Canada

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: May 4, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

The United Nations Special Rapporteur (SR) on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter,  is undertaking a formal country May 6-16th, 2012.

Making the link between Canada’s current failure to respect, protect and fulfill the right to food for all  – and the need for the People’s Food Policy – is a powerful message to bring to our elected officials and the media across the country at this key time.

During the mission, the SR and his team will meet with the Government of Canada and key stakeholders related to the right to food, including Indigenous peoples’ representatives, civil society organizations and a wide spectrum of organizations and experts involved in food issues.

The following themes will be investigated:

  • Economic accessibility;
  • Aboriginal peoples;
  • Organization of food chains;
  • Governance of policies and programmes;
  • International development cooperation

The Special Rapporteur will travel to Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Edmonton and the Island Lakes Region.

There may be opportunities to attend public events in some cities. Written submissions from all people concerned about the right to food in Canada are welcome and can be submitted to: nadia.lambek@gmail.compriscilla.claeys@uclouvain.be and ykim@ohchr.org

For detailed information about the mission, visit here.