Update: Provincial Policy Statement 5-year Review

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: April 12, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

After an initial attempt in June 2011, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH), in coordination with other interested Ministries, has established a process for members of two working groups to discuss themes identified in the 300+ submissions received in October 2010.

Working Groups:
General Working Group: represent diverse interests in land-use planning, members include Canadian Environmental Law Association, Conservation Ontario, Ecojustice, and Ontario Nature
Northern and Rural Working Group: represent the diversity of interests in land-use planning as it relates to northern and rural communities specifically, members include Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environment North, Northwatch, and Ontario Nature

Healthy, Active Communities, Economic Development & Employment, Natural Heritage, Agriculture, Climate Change, Aggregates, Transportation, Land Use Planning Horizon, Regional Differences, Aboriginal, Water, Implementation

Working groups have been meeting on an accelerated timeline; all themes, challenges, and potential solutions are to be discussed in six day-long meetings between late-January and end-of-March 2012.

Once the meetings of the working groups have concluded, MMAH will use the information to advise government on the recommended next steps in the Provincial Policy Statement Review. Any proposed changes or amendments to the PPS will involve a new round of public consultations.

* If you wish to submit any additional comments to MMAH and the other Ministries involved in the PPS review, sooner is better than later!

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