Future of the Ontario Stewardship Program?

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: April 3, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Another way that Ontario’s 2012 Budget is affecting Healthy Food & Farming (check out Sustain Ontario’s analysis too)

The Ontario Stewardship program is a very small program in terms of government spending, at less than 5 million, yet it provides huge returns for Ontario.

Councils on average lever $5 for every $1 they receive from the Ontario government. All of this money is used for stewardship initiatives that advance government priorities, such as species at risk, clean water forests and maintaining healthy communities.

The intangible benefits of having of approximately 16,000 volunteers take part in more than 600 Ontario Stewardship projects every year, advancing government priorities within their communities, are incalculable.

To ensure that the Ontario Stewardship program with their MNR Stewardship Coordinators remain working on the landscape, follow the link and sign the petition

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