City to Country Virtual Tours

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: April 3, 2012

Categories: Growing Good Food Ideas / Virtual Tours

City to Country was a day-long mobile conference that brought people together around good food ideas hosted in partnership by Sustain Ontario, the Toronto Food Policy Council, the Greater Toronto Area Agricultural Action Committee, FoodShare Toronto, the Foodshed Project and World Crop Research Project and was generously funded by the Metcalf Foundation’s 50th anniversary grants. The day began with bus tours and ended with a celebratory feast and sharing session. City to Country explored good food solutions, challenges, and opportunities in the Greater Toronto Area through a series of tours which we have now turned into “virtual tours” by posting blogs, photos and videos to share the lessons learned on the Sustain Ontario website. Please stay tuned for our on-going postings reflecting on that important day or check out what’s already been posted at Growing Good Food Ideas Tours.

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