Call for Small Grant Applications

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: April 2, 2012

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Heifer International Canada (HIC) is soliciting applications for up to $5,000 from Ontario-based organizations with charitable status. Eligible applicants are pursuing projects with a goal to assist people in need to engage in food-oriented income generating activities as a sustainable pathway out of poverty.

For more information about HIC, visit and

Funds would support organizations or collaboratives to address the above goal by either extending current work OR by developing and/or testing innovative ideas.

To apply, answer the following questions in two pages or less:

  • What is the organization or collaborative and its mandate?
  • How much is being requested, and what would it be used for?

Successful projects will be selected based on the potential to:

  • Address sustainable livelihoods for low income food insecure people
  • Involve agroecology
  • Impact a large number of people in the medium to long-term
  • Use funds before December 31, 2012

Please send applications and contact information to by May 11, 2012.
Successful applicants will be notified by May 31, 2012.