Practical Farmers of Ontario 1st AGM

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: March 23, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Practical Farmers of Ontario 1st Annual General Meeting

Date: Saturday March 31st 2012

Registration 8:30 am

9:00 am to 4:00pm  Trent University, Room 114 Peter Gzowski College

2510 Pioneer Road, Peterborough, Ontario

This is the founding meeting of the Practical Farmers of Ontario, and is possible because of the dedicated work and passion of nearly 20 farmers who have to come together to form a working group, who want to have a  strong voice as ecologically sound farmers, who are involved in the direct production and marketing of their food to consumers.

Cost: $20.00 per person or free if paying a membership of $50.00

Coffee Breaks provided

Lunch, at your own cost is available in the

Otonobee College Cafeteria

 Together we can take back our rights as farmers, by working together and supporting each other in many different ways, from the sharing of knowledge to the sharing of our common goals that bring us all together as farmers.

Practical Farmers of Ontario,

Is an action based farm organization, created to be a Strong Voice for Independent Farm Families.


Please RSVP by March 29th 2012

Practical Farmers of Ontario    AGM Agenda   

Saturday March 31st


9:00                         Welcome, from Sean McGivern

9:15                          Michael Schmidt, Farmer and Farm Advocate 

Preserving our Right to farm!

9:45                          Tom Pollock, Farmer and Author of War on the Land,

Where do we go from here?


10:15                        Ian Cummings, Farmer and Ag journalist

Fixing a broken system!


10:45                         Washroom Break

11:00                         Q & A session with the above speakers

11:45                         Lunch break 

1:00                          Steve Dick,

 Will lead a discussion on the Practical Farmers of Ontario

Constitution, bylaws, Objectives and Mission


1:30                          Election of the Founding Board Positions,

President, East Vice President & West Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer with 5 Directors at Large


2:30                         Washroom Break 


2:45                         Resolutions and committee forming


4:00                         Closing Remarks


Book your spot, please contact either:   Julie Jones  705 277 2382  juliejones1@LIVE.CA  

Or     Sean McGivern 519 374 9300 or