The Importance of Agriculture

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Author: Jenn

Posted: September 28, 2011

Categories: Food in the News / News from Sustain Ontario / Vote ON Food and Farming 2011

Let’s make October 6 all about agriculture and food

By Bette Jean Crews, President Ontario Federation of Agriculture

Ontario’s agri-food industry contributes $33 billion to the provincial economy every year and 13 per cent of the province’s gross domestic product (GDP). That’s why when Ontario residents head to the polls on October 6, we want everyone to have the health of our agriculture and food industry on their mind.

The Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) is the largest general farm organization in Ontario, representing 37,000 farm families, each family producing enough food to feed 120 people every year.

To keep agriculture on the minds of all candidates, we’ve focused our election efforts on these five issues:

  • an effective and efficient energy system in Ontario
  • programs to recognize agriculture’s environmental stewardship
  • sustaining regulatory reform so policies help, not hinder our industry
  • continue the evolution of business risk management programs for farmers
  • improvement of Ontario’s rural infrastructure

Local food and securing safe, sustainable food production are also important election issues to all Ontarians. That’s why OFA is working closely with other agricultural groups to advocate for a National Food Strategy – a long-term strategy to ensure a safe supply of Canadian food for future generations.

The upcoming provincial election provides the OFA with an opportunity to address these election issues, support Ontario farm families and create awareness of the importance of safe food production. An investment in our industry today will ensure a healthy, sustainable agricultural community and food system for all of us tomorrow. For more information on the Ontario Federation of Agriculture or the election issues please visit

Original article. Learn how to voteONfood.

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