Recipe for Change

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Author: Jenn

Posted: September 28, 2011

Categories: Food in the News / Food Strategies / Good Food Ideas for Kids / News from Sustain Ontario / Vote ON Food and Farming 2011

by FoodShare Toronto

What’s one of the reasons FoodShare believes we should Vote On Food?

Having food literacy education and good food in schools helps students to not only do better in school, but helps them form healthy food habits for life.

How children eat when they’re young lays the foundation for life-long patterns.

FoodShare’s Recipe for Change initiative is working to mobilize policy makers, students, educators and key decision makers to help actively integrate cooking, gardening, composting, nutrition and food literacy into provincial curriculum and school practice from JK to grade 12.

We want to improve the health of Ontario children by changing the grade 12 Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) to include food literacy, so that all students learn how to make healthy food choices, access at least one healthy meal a day at school, and increase their physical activity through gardening, cooking, and composting at school.

Recipe for Change calls on supporters to enliven food literacy education in classrooms and school communities across Ontario through the delivery of hands on workshops, activities, events and more.

At FoodShare we’ve been busy working on developing resources, projects and events to engage the province around Recipe for Change. On Friday September 30th we will be hosting our second annual province wide harvest festival called Eat-In Ontario!

Here in Toronto we will host over 500 students on the front lawn of Queen’s Park to showcase fun, hands-on food literacy education for students from JK to Grade 12. Students will participate in 4 cross-curricular workshops around four themes — Plants & Gardening, Soil & Composting, Cooking & Tasting and Food: “Outside the Box”.

Teachers and students across Ontario will be joining us by hosting an Eat-In Ontario in their school and community. All of our workshops and lesson plans are fully developed and will be available free for download on our website.

Together, educators and students will join us in showcasing how engaging food literacy education can be while calling on policy-makers and our provincial government to improve the Ontario curriculum and make food literacy a priority for our students.

For more information, curriculum workshops or to register for Eat-In Ontario, check out our website.

Original article here. Learn how to voteONfood.

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