People’s Food Policy Project Launching Monday

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Author: Sasha McNicoll

Posted: April 15, 2011

Categories: Food in the News

With the federal elections coming up, and with the threat of a record-low voter turnout, it’s time we find a pressing issue voters can get behind – and what better issue than food, which affects health, the environment, education and all 34 million Canadians?

The People’s Food Policy Project (PFPP), which is launching April 18th, is a national network of food-concerned citizens and organisations aiming to create Canada’s first food sovereignty policy.  This is the first election year in which all major political parties have included food policy in their platforms, and the PFPP can build on this momentum by engaging Canadians in calling for the creation of a strong food security policy.

Find out how to get involved, and  remember to check the PFPP website on Monday to read more.