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Author: Katie Rabinowicz

Posted: January 7, 2010

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Ontario

Upcoming Workshops & Events - Winter/Spring 2010

1. Exploring Your New Farm Dream Courses

2. Workshop on Crop Planning for Vegetable Growers

3.  Guelph Organic Conference – Our Canadian Identity

4. EFAO Courses

5. Eco Farm Day

6. Bring Food Home Cnference and New Farmer Training Day

7. CSA Mini-School

8. Holistic Management Courses

9. Ag Days (across Ontario)


1. Exploring Your New Farm Dream Courses

Thinking about starting your own farm business?  Want to learn more about the opportunities and realities of farming?  This is the course for you! Exploring Your New Farm Dream: Is Starting an Agricultural Business Right for You? is a course designed to help aspiring farmers learn what it takes to start and manage a commercial agricultural business, and decide whether this is the right path.  FarmStart is offering the course in both Kitchener and the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Both courses include 4 evening sessions and 1 day of farm tours.

Kitchener – The Working Centre (58 Queen St. South)

Evening sessions: Wednesdays (6:30pm – 9:30pm), Feb 10, Feb 17, Mar 3, Mar 10

Farm tour: Saturday, Feb 20 (full day)

GTA – exact location TBD

Evening sessions: Thursdays (6:30pm – 9:30pm), Apr 15, Apr 22, May 6, May 13

Farm tour: Saturday, May 1 (full day)

For more information and to apply visit

If you have questions contact Gayl at or (519) 836-7046 x105

2. Workshop on Crop Planning for Vegetable Growers

How much, when and what do you plant for those farm gate, market or subscription customers?  This full day workshop offered by FarmStart is based on the recent publication from Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Crop Planning for Diversified Vegetable Growers, by Frédéric Thériault and Daniel Brisebois.

Facilitated by author and Ferme Tourne-Sol farmer Frédéric Thériault, this workshop will take an in-depth look at developing and implementing a crop plan: from setting financial goals and calculating crop quantities, to analyzing harvest and sales data for improving next year’s plan.  Activities and discussions will enable participants to better understand the process of crop planning and how it can help make their farm businesses more efficient and profitable.  An absolutely essential workshop for every market gardener!

When: January 23, 2010 (full day, exact time TBD)

Where: Toronto, Downsview Public Library (2793 Keele St.)

Cost: $95 (includes Crop Planning for Diversified Vegetable Growers)

For more information and to register visit

If you have questions contact Gayl at or (519) 836-7046 x105

3. The Guelph Organic Conference – Our Canadian Identity

The Guelph Organic Conference is offering 4 seminars on Friday, 15 workshops plus the feature speaker on Saturday, and 8 more workshops on Sunday on a range of topics of interest to organic farmers, as well as all partners in the organic value chain (processors, suppliers, consumers, researchers, etc.).  These workshops are a key opportunity to hear from speakers who are focused on important issues in organics.  There are also over 160 companies and associations exhibiting booths in the Trade Show and Organic Expo; stop by the FarmStart booth in the lower level.  This event has become one of the best places for organically minded people to gather and network from across Canada.

When: January 28 – 31, 2010

Where: Guelph, University of Guelph, University Centre

For more information and to register visit

4. EFAO Courses

Here is a list of upcoming courses being offered by the Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario (EFAO). These are very informative courses, all led by experienced and trained ecological farmers.  Many of these are being run in the days preceding the Guelph Organic Conference at the OMAFRA main building in Guelph (1 Stone Road).

Jan 16 – Finding the Balance: Soil Testing and Amendments for Organic Farmers, St. Thomas – $50/$70

Jan 28 and 29 – Transition to Certified Organic Farming, Guelph – $160/$200

Jan 28 and 29 – Introduction to Ecological Agriculture, Guelph – $100/$140

Jan 28 – Market Garden Crop Rotation, Guelph – $50/$70

Jan 28 – Pastured Poultry, Guelph – $50/$70

Jan 29 – Finding the Balance: Reading Soil Tests for Organic Farmer, Guelph – $50/$70

Jan 29 – Composting, Guelph – $50/$70

Feb 6 – Direct Marketing, Ottawa area

For more information and to register visit

5. Eco Farm Day

Eco Farm Day is eastern Ontario’s premiere farm conference.  Organic, transitional and conventional farmers of field crops, market gardens, and livestock rely on Eco Farm Day for the best training, information, and commerce opportunities.  Over 350 people come back every year for the social event, the networking, the positive atmosphere, and the great food! Eco Farm Day is hosted by Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Ottawa Chapter.  COG is our national voice for organics in Canada.  COG Ottawa, with over 500 members, hosts major activities to the benefit of organic consumers and farmers.

When: February 26 – 27, 2010

Where: Cornwall, The Ramada Inn (805 Brookdale Ave.)

For more information and to register visit

6. Bring Food Home Conference and New Farmer Training Day

Instead of hosting a 2nd annual New Farmers Conference in 2010, the FarmON Alliance has partnered with FoodNet Ontario, Sustain Ontario, and others to offer a full day of training on March 4th in conjunction with the Bring Food Home conference. Come hear from keynote speaker Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm as well as many other experienced farmers.  Canadian Organic Growers (COG PWW), Ecological Farmers of Ontario (EFAO) and Ignatius Centre, are also planning a CSA mini-school (see item 7 below). Staying for the entire three days? FarmON is also hosting a stream of workshops during the conference on March 5th and 6th addressing “Emerging Issues in Farming”.

When: March 4, 2010

Where: Kitchener, Delta Hotel (105 King Street East)

Cost: $95 (late registration fee may be higher)

For more information and to register visit

*This training opportunity is eligible for cost-share funding through the Growing Forward Business Development for Farm Businesses program in Ontario.

7. CSA Mini-School

In conjunction with the Bring Food Home Conference (see item 6 above) COG PWW, EFAO and Ignatius will be offering a CSA mini-school – a one day workshop for farmers considering the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model.  Three CSA farmers of different sizes and types will share their experiences on all aspects of organizing a CSA including member recruitment and retention, crop planning, and financial planning and management.

When: March 4, 2010

Where: Kitchener, Delta Hotel (105 King Street East)

Cost: $95 (late registration fee may be higher)

For more information and to register visit

*This training opportunity is eligible for cost-share funding through the Growing Forward Business Development for Farm Businesses program in Ontario.

8. Holistic Management Courses

February 26 & 27 – Introduction to Holistic Management: Holistic Goal and Testing Questions

March 12 & 13 – Financial Management: Take Control and Planning a Profit

March 26 & 27 – Planned Grazing: Improving Sustainability

Each course will be held at Ignatius College in Guelph. These values based farm management strategies are consistent with organic principles. Take the first Fri-Sat course or two or three.

For details contact Fran or Tony McQuail at 519-258-2493 or Each weekend is limited to 10 farms.

*This training opportunity is eligible for cost-share funding through the Growing Forward Business Development for Farm Businesses program in Ontario.

9. Ag Days

Elmwood (Grey Bruce) – January 6-11, 2010. Beef day, Dairy day, Sheep day, Goat day, Ecological afternoon, Horse day, Crops day.

Barrie (Simcoe – Dufferin) – Georgian Downs January 20-22, 2010.  Crops, sheep, maple syrup, farm fresh, organic, poultry, dairy, beef, pork.

Ridgetown (Southwestern Ontario) – January 6-7, 2010.

*We would also like to mention that Everdale’s New Farmer Calendar for 2010 is now available on-line.

To enjoy tips and tricks of the farming trade, learn about companion planting and more to get you through the winter, with a new farmer profile for each month, visit These calendars make unique and useful holiday presents while supporting the next generation of farmers.