Panel discussion – Canadian Food Policy… A Strange Fruit

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Author: Katie Rabinowicz

Posted: October 27, 2009

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Ontario

Please join the Toronto Youth Food Policy Council on Monday November 2nd from 5:45-8:00PM (please note time change) at Metro Hall Room 308 for a Panel Discussion “Canadian Food Policy… A Strange Fruit”.

In the spirit of youth, the panel discussion will be slightly unconventional… An ‘un-panel’!

Questions for the panelists have been designed from ‘break-out group’ discussions held during the October 5th TYFPC meeting. You will have the opportunity to contribute to the conversation by sharing what you know (or don’t know) about food policy OR how you have been involved in food policy at your organization or institution.

Our six-course Panel line-up includes:

Wayne Roberts – is the Toronto Food Policy Council manager.

Rod MacRae - is a food policy analysis, currently working in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University.

Paul Decampo – is the co-leader of Slow Food Toronto and Good Food Program Coordinator at FoodShare

Emily Van Halem – is a TYFPC member and Field to Table Outreach and Education staff at FoodShare

Kamla Ross – is the Education Coordinator at The Stop.

David Farnell - is the Founding Dad at Real Food for Real Kids

We will also be hearing all about the hard work of Lucas Goris and Eric Payseur from PACT “Grow to Learn” Urban Food Initiative – an innovative, after-school and summer youth initiative focused on community needs regarding: leadership, job and life-skills training; educational and employment opportunities; and solutions to the root causes of poverty and crime.  The “Grow to Learn” Initiative uses schoolyard gardens in high needs secondary schools to empower youth and other community members to join forces and take action that will radically transform their communities.

See you November 2nd at 5:45PM in Rm 308 of Metro Hall!

The Toronto Youth Food Policy Council