Upcoming Everdale workshops

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Author: Katie Rabinowicz

Posted: September 18, 2009

Categories: Events / News from Sustain Ontario

Learn more about Everdale’s upcoming FGF Farm Business Planning Course, their Small Farm Workshop series and OMAFRA’s Growing your Farm Profits workshop!

1. Farmers Growing Farmers (FGF) Farm Business Planning Course

Are you ready to start farming? Do you need assistance planning a new enterprise or direction for your farm?
If so, the FGF farm business planning course is designed to turn your ideas into action!

From a dream to reality, each session builds towards developing a realistic farm plan – there’s still time to apply – www.everdale.org/node/182
Heifer Sponsorships Available offering reduced course tuition, up to $4000 towards start up costs and one-on-one mentorship.
Contact Harris with any questions growingfarmers@everdale.org.

“A truly clarifying experience on not just where I want to go, but how to get there.”
– Participant feedback 2009

Farmers Growing Farmers supports new farmers who are pursuing
ecological, near-urban, direct-to-market farm-based enterprises.
Through a wide range of services, FGF helps new farmers plan, start-up
and establish successful farm businesses. We offer: one-on-one mentoring
with experienced farmers, help in locating land, support in accessing
funding and an on-going farmer network!

2. Small Farm Workshops

Upcoming Everdale Small Farm WORKSHOPS
Go to www.everdale.org or call Lynn Bishop at 519-855-4859 x 101 for more information or to register.

Grey Water and Water Harvesting Systems                                  FEE: $85
September 19: with Andrew Hellebust , P.Eng. Rivercourt Engineering Inc.
Details on the various types of grey water and rainwater systems in use: advantages and limitations, commercial and custom systems, plumbing and site requirements, and the laws governing these systems.  A tour of the Home Alive! system is included..

Mushroom Cultivation                                                           FEE: $85
September 20: with  Bruno Pretto   and Paula  Vopni  of Fun Guy Farm  and Mycosource Inc
This workshop will give you an overview of gourmet mushrooms & cultivation for indoor and outdoor cultivaton for home and commercial purposes. The session will give detailed information about log management techniques including harvesting & storage. It will cover log inoculation, log management, laying yards, soaking tanks, sprinkler set-up, and fruiting set-up.  Open discussion about marketing, equipment, raw materials sourcing, management, tasting, and other operational issues.  Bruno and Paula will have inoculated logs and  fresh mushrooms for sale and will provide free copies of mushroom recipes.

The Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario and Everdale presents
Market Garden Crop Rotation FEE: $85 – $65 for EFAO members and Farmers Growing Farmers

September 27th: with Anne Slater who makes a living farming a two acre market garden. Learn how to use crop rotation to condition and enhance your growing ability in an intensive or small market garden situation. This workshop can be applied to community gardens, large personal veg gardens and mixed vegetable CSA farms.

The Ecological Farmers Association of Ontario and Everdale presents
Pastured Poultry                    FEE: $85 – $65 for EFAO members and Farmers Growing Farmers participants
October 17th: with Ruth Knight who has successfully raised pastured poultry at her farm in Clifford, Ont for over 7 years. This workshop will offer an overview of different pastured poultry techniques, from feeding, housing, fencing, watering and predator protection. You will also learn about the current rules and regulations regarding pastured poultry and how to stay current on those issues.

3. Growing Your Farm Profits (GYFP) Workshop
A free workshop offered by OMAFRA and the OSCIA to build a learning plan and access funding to make your farm more profitable!  Get the FGF course and many other training options cost shared 50/50 with this program! Everdale is hosting a GYFP workshop for ecological and new farmers – October 4th and 18th

http://www.everdale.org/node/287#info Please contact Harris at growingfarmers@everdale.org with any questions.