New Video from Ontario Farmland Trust

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Author: Alice Schuda

Posted: June 27, 2016

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Farmland Forever

Photo from: Farmland Forever

Ontario Farmland Trust recently released Protecting Farmland Forever, its new video featuring local farmers, land owners, and farmland advocates who make the important connection between local food and preservation of local farmland.

In the 5-minute video, we learn that 18% of Ontario’s farmland has been lost in the last 40 years.  According to Frank Shaw, Ontario Farmland Trust Board Member, land continues to be lost a rate of approximately 350 acres a day.

Since 2004, Ontario Farmland Trust has worked to stop further loss.  It’s mission is to protect and preserve Ontario farmlands and associated agricultural, natural and cultural features of the countryside through direct land securement, stewardship, policy research and education for the benefit of Ontarians today and future generations.

As a member of Sustain Ontario, the Trust collaborated on a submission to the Provincial government’s Coordinated 4-Plan Land Use Planning Review and feedback on proposed changes to four plans impacting the future of local food and farming in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Oak Ridges Moraine, Niagara Escarpment and the Greenbelt.

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