The Kings of Fast Food

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Author: Sasha McNicoll

Posted: February 9, 2011

Categories: Good Food Ideas for Kids

At Animating Good Food Ideas, the exhibition of Sheridan College Applied Illustration students’ food-related infographics and videos, some of the students showed up to chat about their work. We caught up with Sabrina Smelko, creator of “The Kings of Fast Food” (see the video here), to see what she learned about fast food advertising and which statistics shocked her most.  Take a look:

As Sabrina points out in her infographic, watching an excessive amount of TV leads to an increase in the consumption of pop, in snacking and in BMI levels and a decrease in interest in class and physical activity among children – not a good sign considering 1 in 4 Canadian children are overweight or obese. Why not talk to your kids about advertising and check out our 10 Simple Acts for easy ways to engage your children in good food ideas?