Launched: Food Justice Initiative

Things looking a bit different?
Nope, you're not on the wrong site – we're updating our look and content! Keep your eyes peeled for more changes!

Author: Kim Hill-Tout

Posted: January 12, 2018

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Happy new year! Feels like only yesterday we were celebrating the turn of the year. But now that we are a good chunk of the way through the month, we have some exciting news for those of you who have not yet had the chance to look and see on the Greenhouse site- the launch of the Food Justice initiative!!!

Like with the other initiatives you can find on the site, there are 30 amazing resources put together to inform you about the work being done on food justice in Canada.

Food justice is broadly communities working together to exercise their right in the food system: growing, selling, as well as accessing and eating healthy food. These foods are fresh, nutritious, affordable, culturally appropriate, and grown locally for the well-being of not only the workers and animals, but the land as well. These resources aim to help build and strengthen a just and sustainable food system that focuses on food sovereignty and indigenous food sovereignty.

There is a diversity of resources offered in this initiative too. There are contributed website page links to organizations working on supporting food justice movement; videos and documentaries following actors in food justice work; expanding the knowledge beyond our provincial borders and to include an international focus and an indigenous food sovereignty perspective. There are academic papers, podcasts, newspaper articles, fact sheets, annual reports, webinars, assessment tools, policy papers and models.

Collectively, they offer a foundation for one to get started researching into the food justice issues that we are encountering in Ontario and in Canada, and the organizations and people that are working to proactively make change educate others. These will hopefully inspire and be of use to you in your pursuit of food justice and sovereignty.

Stay in touch and let us know if you have any other food justice resources that we should add to the Greenhouse!

Happy researching!